Daily Schedule Committee Report

Daily Schedule Committee Report

By: Divya Choudhary (Committee Head)

Daily Schedule is a platform through which we can get all type of knowledge. This is the first thing we do in department; through this our day gets start. First of all we do prayer, Then Thought for the day, News Reading, Vocabulary Drill, Personal Presentation, Opinion Building, Regional Literature, Book Report, General Knowledge, Photograph of the Day, Humour of the Day and we end our Daily Schedule with National Song. These activities are the real source of concentration for us because as our elder says “You should start your things with a name of a God”, so through Daily schedule we do the same. Without this our days seems incomplete and unsatisfactory. These activities are blessing for us in real sense because through these activities we get updates for our academic and non-academic as well. It is like a energy booster through which we get energized.

There is many more committees work in this department under the guidance of The HOD ofour Department Dr.Dilip Barad. In every academic year, a head is chosen from the senior students, who lead the committee. Daily Schedule committee is one of them who provide a stage to students to present themselves in a different ways, through this student gets familiar with their hidden talent.
Thanks to our professor Dr.Dilip Barad, who always motivates students to participate more and more so that they can improve their skills and come off their stage fear. 
These kinds of activities help students to build up their confidence level. In Daily Schedule we celebrate many days like Hindi Divas in which every event starting from prayer to Humour of the day is held in Hindi Language. Through this platform students learn how to manage the things while doing anchoring in Daily Schedule.
Working as a Head in this committee is very fruitful and excellent experience because being a leader I got to know how to manage things and how to deal with people because managing people is a very difficult task.

Through this I have also learnt how to make a successful and effective group of people who are always ready to work for committee and what the real spirit of team work is.
Alone I couldn’t have managed this work. I would like to thank Daily schedule Committee Members Brijal Oza, Disha Trivedi, Zarna Bhatti, Dipali Parmar, Jyotsna Vala, Hezal Trivedi, Pooja Bhaliya, Drashti Nagla, Architaba Gohil, Budhiditya Das, Ami Trivedi, Rinkal Jani, Surbhi Guswami, Binkalba Gohil, Asha Dodiya You all gave me constant support in making final report of our committee.

A Special Thanks for Dr.Dilip Barad who gave me this opportunity to handle all the things from which I also enhanced my skills and also stage fear wiped away. 


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